Monday, February 14, 2011


To gain access:

Go to

Click on the admin link in the bottom right hand corner.

User name is

Password is scls

Trial is active until May 8, 2011



Anonymous said...

Highly inaccurate.

Susan Guerin said...

Our staff tested this product and we are not impressed. We feel that Reference USA is far superior. A to Z databases did not have current information, location maps, and listings of new businesses. We as a library are still very happy with Reference USA!

Unknown said...

I think this might not be ready for prime time yet. I had a company sales rep try to pitch this to me, and he said they are still working on adding stuff to it.

Anonymous said...

Our library was also given a trial. It says I am a smoker, which I'm not, lists my daughter as living with me, which she hasn't for ten years, includes my brother, who has been deceased for ten years, and locks up or gives zero results when I try to revise a search. It is instructive to see how much personal information is attached to individuals, some of which is true, and some which isn't. Kind of scary!

jbollerman said...

I agree with the others. Very clunky and not nearly as good as Ref USA. Jennifer Bollerman

Anonymous said...

While the database seems to be continuously improving I feel that the number of businesses is far superior to referenceUSA-especially for the price! I found my husband’s business in the database which is not listed in referenceUSA and the rep that I worked with was more than happy to discuss the lifestyles data ailments which I was concerned with. The next time I logged in the ailments were removed. I appreciated their quick response when asking for clarification on the database.

Anonymous said...

I actually like this database better than RefUSA (maybe they've improved? It's april 26, 2011 as I'm writing this). I tried a number of comparison searches and found a higher level of quality with AtoZ.

Unknown said...

I actually found a higher lever of quality with AtoZ. (maybe they've improved? it's april 26 as I'm writing)..Anyway, I did a number of comparison searches and found AtoZ had more info that was as accurate as RefUSA.