Friday, March 21, 2008


We have 3 logins to use.

Username: SCLSys1

Password: SCLSys1

Username: SCLSys2

Password: SCLSys2

Username: SCLSys3

Password: SCLSys3


Unknown said...

Re: Auralog

I found this interface to be a little confusing. I also was not to keen on the fact you have to download special "Auralog components" to have the program work optimally. I found the Mango language choices better as well - Chinese and Polish would be more useful then Dutch. Does Auralog offer reverse language lessons? (ie Spanish into English) I didn't see an option for it, just general english.

Pam Wells

Sam said...

Has anyone tried the placement exam for Auralog? 64 questions!?!?! to find out that I'm a beginner...
I really like that they have this feature but thought it might be way too long....

Anonymous said...

I find Auralog really hard to use. The interface is not intuitive at all. Very hard to navigate. Few people will take the time to learn to use the site; we all want to sit down and get started. The learning objectives which you must create are good in theory, but the windows which open and close after you have made your selections wreaked havoc with my pop-up blocker. Also, I found the lessons for "intermediate" to be too advanced. This would not be a good substitute for Rosetta Stone.

Karen Kramer