makes millions of original historical documents (primary sources) accessible in useful ways. Much of the material on the site is free, but much of it is newly digitized primary source information. More than likely this would be a coordinated order if there is enough interest. Take a look:
This is now IP authenticated. No login is required. We have access until July 7th.
It has access to the names to the Vietnam War Wall Memorial. It gives details about the soldiers that died, age, how they died, etc. But the interface is not very easy to use. It kept logging me out.
I was not able to sign in. Received a message saying there was something wrong with my email address or password.
I had the same problem with the sign in, but it worked later....
It is not so easy to figure out exactly how to get what you want. The page looks overbusy and confusing
Also I was reading an explanation, and when I clicked "continue" it landed me in a totally different article.
I think the material that they are digitizing shows a lot of promise of being useful, but the interface is not ready for prime time
This is confusing and difficult to navigate. I think it would frustrate more users than it would please.
I found this database very confusing to navigate. Perhaps a librarian with strong genealogy skills would have an easier time. I don't see patrons picking this up easily. Also, on opening some naturalization cards, to the right there is a sidebar for "You might also like..." but I found it unusual to see random photographs of people, children, teenagers, etc. seemingly without any relevance to the search.
Karen Kramer
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